The realization of an artificial turf

Rugby Calvisano is an Italian team which became the 2010-2011 Italian Champion of Premier League and 2011-2012 winner of the Excellence Trophy. The team trains at the stadium of “Casa San Michele”, also named “Peroni Stadium” after the partnership with the famous Italian beer brand.

In 2013 MAST had been called to build the new stadium which hosts the victories of Rugby Calvisano. Not an easy task: Rugby is a sport which puts a strain on the field surface and traditional force, the great dynamic excercise and the direct contact of the athletes with the surface require a stable, resistant but at the same time soft pitch.

To answer appopriately all these needs; MAST with the supported by the Italian Rugby Federation, chose a surface provided with specially elongated synthetic fiber and a greater amout of filler to gurantee the the best performance, perfect surfaces throughout the year and total secutity for the athletes.